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People with small debts have to manage their finances. If you have a few debts, you must keep up with your payments and avoid getting into a financial mess. Large amounts of debt, on the other hand, require more effort to settle.


Know What You Owe

To keep track of all of your debts, make a list of the various types of payments that you have made and the total amount of money you have in debt. You can then use your credit report to check the status of your debts. Having all of these debts in front of you can help you track all your financial transactions. You should also regularly refer to your debt list, especially when making bill payments. It should be updated every couple of months to keep track of the changes in your debts.


Pay Bills On Time 

It can take a lot of work to pay off your debts due to the late fees you must pay. If you pay on time, your finance charges and interest rate will remain unchanged. You can set the alarm for your payments and enter your account details on your smartphone or computer to remind you of the due date. If you don’t make the payments, it could affect your credit score. It would help if you also tried making the payments as soon as possible after learning that you missed them.


Make A Monthly Payment Calendar

A bill payment calendar can help you keep track of which bills to pay with which month’s paycheck. To create a calendar, write down the amount of each bill next to its due date and then fill in the paycheck’s date. You can use the same calendar for multiple months if you receive your paycheck on the same day every month, such as on the 1st and 15th of each month. But, if your payments fall on a different day of the month, then you’ll need to create one every month.


Make The Minimum Payment of At Least

If you can’t afford a higher payment, make the minimum. Even though it doesn’t help you get the debt under control, it can keep your account in good standing and avoid late fees.


Figure Out Which To Pay Off First

One of the best strategies to pay off credit card debt is to pay the highest interest rate first. Since it’s the most expensive one, it gets priority over the other debts. List all your debts to prioritize them and make the payments on time. You can also settle the lowest balance first, which helps build confidence and avoid unexpected expenses.


Pay Off Collections

Since you can’t afford to pay off all your debts simultaneously, focus on keeping the other debts in good standing. If you have a limited amount of money, try paying off the balances affecting your credit.


Build An Emergency Fund

Without access to savings and a small emergency fund, you might go into debt to pay for an unexpected expense. Having a small emergency fund can help you manage your costs. To start, establish a small emergency fund of around $1,000. After that, start setting aside a more considerable amount, such as $2,000. This will allow you to build a bigger reserve for living expenses.