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As a young person, starting out on your own can be a daunting task. There are a million and one things to learn such as how to manage your finances and what car insurance plan is best for you. 

But as stressful as it may seem, there’s no time like the present to start learning how to take care of yourself financially!

Here are three lessons that every young person needs to follow.

  1. Don’t Serve Money – Let it Serve You

Take a moment to think about the difference between working for money and having money work for you. Using money as a tool can save you a lot of time and money in your future.

It’s easy to spend mindlessly on enjoyable things, such as eating out or going on vacation. But the best way to ensure a secure financial future is to think about how much those purchases will cost down the line when you have to pay for them with your hard-earned cash.

  1. Create a Budget – and Stick to it!

Make sure your budget includes all of your expenses (food, housing, insurance, and so on) as well as your wants (your favorite hobbies and social activities).

Take some time to think about your income, how much of it is used for what you need, and how much you can devote to saving and investing. Add up all the numbers in each category, then start cutting back on your spending until you have just enough money left over to put away for a rainy day (or retirement!).

  1. You Must Have Emergency Savings

The best way to pay for an emergency is with cash! The only problem is that so many people don’t have any to spare. So if you’re one of the millions of Americans without enough savings to handle a financial emergency, it’s time for you to get cracking on a plan.

A great way to start saving is by setting up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a savings or money market account. There will never be any temptation to spend the money that you’re saving for emergencies with this method since it won’t be in your checking account.

Make the right financial decisions today to prepare for your future – the earlier, the better!